2017年3月14日,国际期刊《Biotechnology and Bioengineering》上在线发表了华东理工大学国家重点实验室、国家生化工程技术研究中心(上海)储炬教授课题组题为”A 9-pool metabolic structured kinetic model describing days to seconds dynamics of growth and product formation by Penicillium chrysogenum” 的研究论文。上海国佳生化工程技术研究中心有限公司项目负责人唐文俊为论文第一作者,储炬教授为论文通讯作者。相关研究为与荷兰DSM集团及荷兰代尔夫特理工大学共同开展。

DOI: 10.1002/bit.26294
A powerful approach for the optimization of industrial bioprocesses is to perform detailed simulations integrating large scale computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and cellular reaction dynamics (CRD). However, complex metabolic kinetic models containing a large number of equations pose formidable challenges in CFD-CRD coupling and computation time afterward. This necessitates to formulate a relatively simple but yet representative model structure. Such a kinetic model should be able to reproduce metabolic responses for short-term (mixing time scale of tens of seconds) and long-term (fed-batch cultivation of hours/days) dynamics in industrial bioprocesses. In this paper, we used Penicillium chrysogenum as a model system and developed a metabolically structured kinetic model for growth and production. By lumping the most important intracellular metabolites in 5 pools and 4 intracellular enzyme pools, linked by 10 reactions, we succeeded in maintaining the model structure relatively simple, while providing informative insight into the state of the organism. The performance of this 9-pool model was validated with a periodic glucose feast-famine cycle experiment at the minute time scale. Comparison of this model and a reported black box model for this strain shows the necessity of employing a structured model under feast-famine conditions. This proposed model provides deeper insight into thein vivo kinetics and, most importantly, can be straightforwardly integrated into a computational fluid dynamic framework for simulating complete fermentation performance and cell population dynamics in large scale and small scale fermentors.